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Showing posts from October, 2017

New services in Microsoft Azure : Data Box and DDOS protection standard

We saw a lot of new exciting features for Azure being announced in the recently concluded MSIgnite conference. Many of the long anticipated features or products were released in preview and in this blog series I will try to explore some of these features and how you can get started with them. Azure Data box This can be considered as an extension to the Storage import/export services already available in GA in Azure. While using the Import/export service, customers have to copy their data to HDDs of a given specification and then send them off to Azure datacenters, where the data will be moved to your storage of choice . This services targets migration scenarios where customer have to transfer several terabytes of data to Azure storage and over the network transfer would take  a very long time or is practically impossible.More details about this service can be found here :  With Azur...