While trying to install OpenStack using RDO, following the instructions in the link here , you might face the following timeout error
Applying <IP address>_prescript.pp [ ERROR ]
ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: <IP address>_prescript.pp
Error: Command exceeded timeout
The reason for this error, in all probabilities would be the delay in your network, which could be causing the netns component packages to be timed out You can increase the timeout by editing the following file
Add a timeout line in the file
if $::netns_support != "true" {
exec { "netns_dependecy_install":
path => "/usr/bin/",
command => "yum update -y kernel iputils iproute",
timeout => 1900,
Now you can retry the installation. It is advisable to use the answer file that is created during the initial installation, otherwise the reinstall would fail
Sample command for doing the reinstall using answer file is
packstack --answer-file=/root/packstack-answers-20140125-195230.txt
replace the text file name with the name of your answer file that was created during the initial installation
Applying <IP address>_prescript.pp [ ERROR ]
ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: <IP address>_prescript.pp
Error: Command exceeded timeout
The reason for this error, in all probabilities would be the delay in your network, which could be causing the netns component packages to be timed out You can increase the timeout by editing the following file
Add a timeout line in the file
if $::netns_support != "true" {
exec { "netns_dependecy_install":
path => "/usr/bin/",
command => "yum update -y kernel iputils iproute",
timeout => 1900,
Now you can retry the installation. It is advisable to use the answer file that is created during the initial installation, otherwise the reinstall would fail
Sample command for doing the reinstall using answer file is
packstack --answer-file=/root/packstack-answers-20140125-195230.txt
replace the text file name with the name of your answer file that was created during the initial installation
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