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Showing posts from January, 2014

Timeout error during OpenStack installation

While trying to install OpenStack using RDO, following the instructions in the link here , you might face the following timeout error Applying <IP address>_prescript.pp   [ ERROR ] ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: <IP address>_prescript.pp Error: Command exceeded timeout The reason for this error, in all probabilities would be the delay in your network, which could be causing the netns component packages to be timed out You can increase the timeout by editing the following file /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/packstack/puppet/modules/packstack/manifests/netns.pp   Add a timeout line in the file     if $::netns_support != "true" {         exec { "netns_dependecy_install":             path => "/usr/bin/",             command => "yum update -y kernel iputils iproute", ...

XenCenter troubleshooting

Issue 1: While trying to add a new host to a Pool in XenCenter, I was getting error "internal connection failed no route to host " Solution: It was quite simple actually, but since I couldnt find it mentioned in any knowledge bases or articles, I am noting it down here. The machine where XenCenter was installed couldnt resolve the Xen host name. The machines were not added to domains and hence no DNS entries were there. So I had to add a host entry to the XenCenter machine to help with the name resolution Issue 2: Enabling AD authentication via XenCenter fails with error "clock skew detected with active directory server" Reason: This happens because of the time difference between XenServer and AD server Solution: Update NTP server list of the XenServer and point it to the AD server of the domain. Steps below From the XenServer console, go to 'Network and management interface"->Network time(NTP) Select option "Remove all NTP se...

Xen learnings

This week, I was trying to get my head around a new Hypervisor(new for me, obiviously), ie XenServer. Though it is pretty much same as ESXi and is free as well, there are some striking differences as well.The observations are based on the free version of Citrix XenServer version 6.2.0 - While ESXi needs a paid vCenter to manage multiple hosts, you can use the free XenCenter software to manage multiple Xen hosts - Latest version of Xen server doesnt have the equalent of DRS or DPM. There was a feature named workload balancing, which was strangely discontinued in version 6.2.0 stating reason that there are no takers for it. - It does offer a High Availability of VMs using pool based clustering of hosts -XenMotion is the equalent of VM live migration, but it is restricted to one VM at a time -XenCenter doesnt have a web client like vCenter -There was a tool named XenConvert used for physical to virtual conversion, but it is retired as well. -There is an option named Dynamic...