Azure Point-to-Site enables VPN connectivity from client machines to Azure Vnet. This is especially useful for mobile users, who could be travelling and is not connected to your office network. There is a very good documentation available on how to configure Point 2 site VPN for a new Vnet, both for classic and new portal . It can be found here : What if you already have a Vnet in Azure with resources connected to it ? In this blog, I will elaborate on how to enable Point-to-Site VPN for an existing Vnet . It is documented based on the testing done in new portal. The Vnet was already existing, and a VPN gateway was created from the new portal using the graphical interface and connected to the Vnet. For the remaining steps, PowerShell was used. 1. Create VPN gateway . Go to new portal->Virtual network gateway and create new. You will have to select the Vnet for which ...