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Showing posts from January, 2013

vSphere 5 components

vSphere 5 components and features; Vmware ESXi : Well, this is the physical part of vSphere. The virtualization OS installed in  in physical servers and bastracts the physical resources of the server and distributes them across VMs. VMware vCenter : It is the vsphere centralised management software. It is essential for configuring and managing the full potential of vSphere say HA, DRS etc vSphere client: A client software that lets users connect remotely to Vmware ESXi and vCenter vSphere web client: A web interface that allows users to connect remotely to vCenter client or ESXi vSphere SDKs: Provides standard interfaces for VMware and third party solution to access VMware vSphere VMFS : A high performance cluster file systems for ESXi virtual machnes vSphere virtual SMP: Enables single virtual machine to use multiple physical processors simultaneously vMotion: Enables migration of virtual machines from one datastore to another without service interruption* vSphere HA: If the ...

Unable to connect to sql instance "mssqlserver"

Scenario: Sql server 2008 R2 standard installed with default instance. The default instance name is "mssqlserver". Issue: While trying to connect to instance name using servername\mssqlserver from server management studio, an error is thrown and user is unable to connect . Reason: Reason, it turns out to be that you cannot connect to the default instance by its name mssqlserver.For some strange reason, it is not allowed!!!! Solution: You can connect using the server name alone. Or if you are trying from the machine where sql is installed,you can connect to the local instance.Or else if your application demands a  "servername\instance format,you could run the sql installer once more and create a named instance