vSphere 5 components and features; Vmware ESXi : Well, this is the physical part of vSphere. The virtualization OS installed in in physical servers and bastracts the physical resources of the server and distributes them across VMs. VMware vCenter : It is the vsphere centralised management software. It is essential for configuring and managing the full potential of vSphere say HA, DRS etc vSphere client: A client software that lets users connect remotely to Vmware ESXi and vCenter vSphere web client: A web interface that allows users to connect remotely to vCenter client or ESXi vSphere SDKs: Provides standard interfaces for VMware and third party solution to access VMware vSphere VMFS : A high performance cluster file systems for ESXi virtual machnes vSphere virtual SMP: Enables single virtual machine to use multiple physical processors simultaneously vMotion: Enables migration of virtual machines from one datastore to another without service interruption* vSphere HA: If the ...