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Showing posts from May, 2012

Different types of cloud computing

“Cloud computing” is basically the latest incarnation of grid computing, utility computing, virtualization and clustering. It differs in that it provides the ability to connect to software and data living on the Internet (the cloud) instead of on a hard drive or local network. 1. SaaS   This type of cloud computing delivers a single application through the browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. On the customer side, it means no up-front investment in servers or software licensing; on the provider side, with just one app to maintain, costs are low compared to conventional hosting 2. Utility computing, Sun, IBM, and others offer storage and virtual servers that IT can access on demand. Early enterprise adopters mainly use utility computing for supplemental, non-mission-critical 3. Web services in the cloud   Closely related to SaaS, Web service providers offer APIs that enable developers t...

How to change DNS server in a remote machine

Download regfind.exe from here  .Extract the zip file .Browse to the extracted location from command prompt and run the utility using the following syntax regfind   -m \\computer1 -p HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\parameters "Old DNS IP" -r "New DNS IP" Where Cumputer1 can be the name or Ip of the remote machine whos DNs is to be changed Once the command completes successfully, the old dns IP in the server will be replaced by the new one

Active Directory User Account Information Tool

Troubleshooting issues relating to user accounts can usually be a time consuming effort.D etermining the "freshness" of the user's credentials and password history is key to understanding if there could be a potential issue with their Active Directory account.   This document provides information on the AcctInfo Tool that has been developed to assist investigation of such issues. AcctInfo Tool This tool provides a subtle addition to any user's AD account profile by an additional tab in their account properties labelled Additional Account Info v2 .   It can be installed on a domain controller, or on the desktop of the person doing the investigation. Below is a screen shot of the additional information this tool provides: The three most important pieces of information provided, as shown above, are the Password Last Set and Password Expires fields and the Most Recent Logon button which polls all the DC's in the domain for the selected user ...

List of AD replication ports

AD Replication Ports RPC endpoint mapper 135/tcp, 135/udp Network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name service 137/tcp, 137/udp NetBIOS datagram service 138/udp NetBIOS session service 139/tcp RPC static port for AD replication 1111/TCP RPC static port for FRS 2347/TCP Server message block (SMB) over IP (Microsoft-DS) 445/tcp, 445/udp Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 389/tcp LDAP ping 389/udp LDAP over SSL 636/tcp Global catalog LDAP 3268/tcp Global catalog LDAP over SSL 3269/tcp Kerberos 88/tcp, 88/udp Domain Name Service (DNS) 53/tcp, 53/udp MOM TCP/UDP 1270 NTP 123/udp Remote Desktop 3389/tcp

How to : Track deletion of windows folders using security policy

1) Enable auditing via policy Click Start->Run->secpol.msc Under Local Policies \ Audit policy, enable "Audit object access" for 'success' events (means that the access was 'successful' - failures would indicate permission problems to do so 2) Enable auditing on the 'object'.   Right-click a folder/file and choose properties From the security tab , click Advanced From the Auditing tab, click Add  Now, if you want to find 'who' - it's best to 'add' the Everyone group For the audit access, choose Delete, again under Successful (for a successful deletion) 3) Check the events   Open event viewer  (Start->Run->Eventvwr)   Look for/filter on the event ID 560

How to apply time zone change in AD to User machines

Time zone changes need to be made in the AD server first. After that do the following steps 1. On the AD server, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.   2. Expand the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones 3. Click the tiem zone that was changed, and then click Export Registry File on the Registry menu. 4. In the Save in box, click Desktop, type timezones in the File name box, and then click Save.   5. Expand the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation 6. Click TimeZoneInformation, and then click Export Registry File on the Registry menu. 7. In the Save in box, click Desktop, type tzinfo in the File name box, and then click Save.   8. Quit Registry Editor. 9. Copy the Timezones.reg and Tzinfo.reg files that you created in step 4 and in step 7. 10. Put the files that you copied on to the com...

Configure NIC teaming for V Switch

Two or more NIC cards are required to use NIC teaming in   ESX server. Step 1 : Create a new vSwitch and give it a network label like "VM Network” . Add the required NICs to the switch. Procedure on how to add nic to a virtual switch is described below Select the vSwitch from the Configuration -> networking . Select Network adapters and click on add In the Add Adapter Wizard select the nic card which needs to be added to the switch and click on next. If the nic card is already attached to another virtual switch, it will be removed from it and added to the new one.. Go to next screen In the failover order, we can configure the active and standby adapters if required. Click next and finish the configuration Step 2: Configure teaming Configuring teaming in Esx server will implement load balancing for outbound traffic only. For implementing the same for inbound traffic the required configurations need to be done on the physical switch to which...

Esx configuration for teaming

The load balancing mechanism in physical switch and ESX server should match for teaming to be functional. Open the corresponding virtual switch properties. Select the Vswitch and then click edit Select the NIC teaming tab. Choose the appropriate load balancing mechanism from the drop down menu  If IP based   load balancing is configured in switch , select the option “Route based on IP hash” If MAC address based load balancing is configured in switch, select the aoption “Route based on MAC hash” Configure rest of the options as shown below.Click ok

How to prevent Internal IP address leaking through HTTP headers

Open command prompt on the server where the web site is hosted. Change to the folder where the adsutil.vbs tool is located C:\Inetpub>cd AdminScripts    C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/UseHostName true  where 1 is the site identifier To find the site identifier: click on the Web Sites major heading in the left hand side of the IIS admin tool and view the "Identifier" on the right hand side for whichever site you need. Web site reference:

Active directory : Check replication using REPLMON

Active Directory Replication Monitor( Replmon.exe) is a GUI tool that is exclusively intended for monitoring and managing all kinds of replication in AD-based domains (Windows 2000 and Windows .NET domains). With this tool, you can monitor and register all replication events, force replication, start generating replication topology, view Global Catalog and bridgehead servers, and view trusts and replication metadata for an Active Directory object. Login to AD and do the following steps to start a replication check using replmon Go to start ->run . Type in replmon and click ok Click on edit->Add Monitored server Select “ Add the server explicitly by name” and click next Add AD server name and click finish Go to file>save monitored list as and save the list as a .ini file say test.ini While doing the replication check next time, this list can be opened directly from file->open script ->test.ini (steps 2,3 and 4 can be skipped) On...

Getting started with Vmware Power CLI scripting

This week I got acquainted with Power cli scripting.Its is fun once we get started with it, and it is easy too..  Power cli is a wonderful tool that you can use to create scripts for vsphere management. You can get started with it by installing power cli tool.Another easier method is to install power gui. For this you will need to install vi client and power cli as prereq .Once power gui is installed you need to enable the vim plugin from the file menu You will need the help of both vmware power-cli command line reference as well as the windows powershell reference.  Start with the basics . First run few commands on the power cli and understand how they works. Then you can put them together in a script with extension .ps1 .  For eg try some basic commands like: Get-VC : Connect to virtual center eg: Get-VC Get-Resourcepo...